Healthy People 2030 is focusing on preventing and treating infectious diseases. Therefore, it is imperative that children and at-risk adults get recommended vaccinations to prevent infections such as measles, flu, and hepatitis A and B. This July, we would like to spread awareness on Hepatitis. Hepatitis B is preventable by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and is the leading cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Hepatitis is a global epidemic that can affect anyone, worldwide. One can contract this disease through the following ways:
- Blood contact
- Sexual intercourse
- Mother to child transmission
It is important to get tested because roughly 90% of people who have hepatitis are unaware that they are infected. Over half of the world’s newborns do not receive the HBV vaccine within 24 hours of birth to prevent mother-to-child transmission which is why testing is so important for prevention. If you have any concerns or believe you are at risk for hepatitis B, please schedule an appointment with one of our physicians at 301-593-9800.
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